In Team Koru today we had a Wheels Day to celebrate Road Safety Week.

We drew out our roads with chalk.

We created traffic lights, houses, signs and pedestrian crossings to put around our road.

We must look both ways before walking across the road.

Finally we got to go on our wheels!

Did you celebrate road safety week in your class?

One thought on “Wheels Day

  1. Talofa Team Koru,

    Thank you for your post about road safety.

    We did not know it was road safety week, so we didn’t end up celebrating it but we think it’s a great idea to do. Your tips are very helpful!

    We have some safety rules we always follow at our school as well. When we finish school, we ALWAYS cross at the school crossing right outside the gate. At the moment, one of the roads next to our school is having pipes fixed so there are a lot of roadworks, we need to be SUPER careful around this road when we are crossing it with our parents.

    Your friends in Kōwhai Class at Levin North School

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